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Level 1
CourseThis is the ideal starting point for those who are new to coding or who have only covered some basics
Level 2
CourseLevel 2 • This level dives further into the fundamentals of Python coding with more projects and new topics. This level also introduces Monty and the room analogy which helps us understand what happens when we run a computer program.
Level 3
CourseLevel 3 • This level focuses on defining functions with parameters and return statements, digging underneath the surface to make sure students grasp this important coding topic well. And there are more projects to work on, of course!
Level 4
CourseLevel 4 • We start to move into intermediate level topics in this level, introducing instance variables (data attributes) and reading and writing to and from text files. This level starts paving the way for more advances concepts later on
Level 5
CourseLevel 5 introduces tuples and dictionaries and discusses how to start dealing with real-world information. Level 5 concludes the Foundation Levels and prepares students for the Intermediate and Advanced Levels that follow.