Course curriculum

    1. 1. The Journey So Far and A Look Ahead

    2. 2. Data Type Categories • Iterable, Mutable and Immutable Types

    3. 3. Reviewing Methods

    4. 4. More Data Structures • Tuples

    5. 5. More Data Structures • Dictionaries

    6. 6. A Simple Points Game • A Mini-Project

    7. 7. Running The Game

    8. 8. Finding The Winner • Looping Through Dictionaries

    9. 9. Exercises

    1. 1. Introducing The Homework Timetable Project

    2. 2. Data Structures Inside Other Data Structures

    3. 3. Adding Homework Items

    4. 4. Showing Homework Due On A Specific Weekday

    5. 5. Creating A Menu and Finishing The Program

    6. 6. Exercises

    1. 1. Introducing The P & P Project

    2. 2. Planning The Project

    3. 3. Reading The Book (Into Our Python File)

    4. 4. Why Do We Need To Clean The Data?

    5. 5. Cleaning The Data (Part 1)

    6. 6. Cleaning The Data (Part 2)

    7. 7. The Main Algorithm

    8. 8. The Main Algorithm • Review

    9. 9. Writing Results To A Spreadsheet

    10. 10. Final Words

    11. 11. Exercises

About this course

  • 26 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Next Levels

Students can move to the Intermediate Levels after completing the Foundation Levels 1-5